Well time has got away from me and its already January. It is extremely cold here in Nebraska but not as bad as it is for other people I know. Here is my recap of things I wanted to accomplish last year.
1. weight- Well I had lost some of the weight by summer time and i gained all of it back by the fall. So this will be another one that I am working on this year. I am doing very well with my diet so far. Learning different ways to cook and eat different food.
2. Finances- I got three things paid off last year and now I am working towards the last two. I have been able to get a savings now and am putting away for school.
3. school- Yeah this one didn't happen but I am saving to go back now so I can put all the money up front.
4. organized- I have succeeded at this one. My house is very organized and I know where everything is.
5. getting in shape- I am doing better at this. I work out a few times a week. I can definitely tell a difference.
6. blogging- I have not done to well on this one but there is still hope.
I have made some new things I want to do this year and continue on with other ones from last year. The new ones are:
1. Traveling- I want to take some trips this year. Don't know where yet but I will figure it out sometime.
2. Take some different courses (cooking, exercising, hobbies)
3. Joining some leagues (golf and bowling)
4. Run my first 5k
5. Learn to say NO!
I hope everyone had a safe holiday season and a good new year so far!