Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Well the last 6 months have been such a roller coaster emotional and physically for me. Bill and I have had our problems and have been trying to work them out. We are now going our separate ways after 6 years. I am beyond crushed and can barely keep focused. I don't even want to get out of bed in the morning. This is why I haven't been posting to much because I am just at a loss of words. Time will heal everything. Just thought I would post an update of what is going on in my life. I will most likely won't be posting for a while but at least you all know why.


LaDawn said...

Sweetheart - big hugs and kisses. I know it seems the sun won't rise and I sooooo get that. I would love to speak with you. Do you have me phone number? Are you on Facebook? do you have my email? Get in touch with me!

LaDawn said...

PS Blog like crazy. Externalise all those feelings of rage, disappointment, frustration, pain, and fear. There is a support system of people reading this who love you to bits and by getting these thoughts and feelings out you can move on to a better place bigger, stronger, and able to leap tall buildlings in a single bound.....or something like that. Don't retreat into yourself. That will be sooooo painful.

Janell said...

God bless you , Brooke. That is a huge life-change after 6 years. I agree with LaDawn - keep posting and let us help you get through this.