Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ice Cream

I realized while I was at lunch I didn't include ice cream in my top five favorite things. Which then I decided it was okay because ice cream and desserts are in there categories. I love all kinds of desserts as long as there isn't any coconut. What kinda desserts to you wow people with? Mine would have to be my killer brownies or my pumpkin bars.

1 comment:

Janell said...

My Specialty Desserts:

Cheesecake with a spongecake base instead of graham cracker crust.

The Next Best Thing to Robert Redford - It’s a chocolate cake you poke holes in and then drizzle caramel sauce into the holes. Top with whipped cream & Heathbar sprinkles.

Soft chocolate chip cookies.

Chocolate covered cherries, bon bons and vanilla creams.