Monday, June 11, 2007


Friday was quite a boring day until the evening. I was getting ready to leave work a little early so I could head to Eagle, Nebraska. Never been to the place and wasn't to impressed with it either. There was a huge accident right outside of my office so that slowed me down a good ten minutes. Once I hit the interstate it was smooth driving. I'm driving down the highway and I'm thinking there is no way there is a race track out here all there is fields, trees, and hills. Then I came up over this hill and it just appeared. I was like wow there was no signs that it was coming up. It was weird because usually there is a ton of lights and you can see them for a good a mile. Bill placed 17Th that night. Not to bad considering the track conditions were terrible. I got home at 1:30 that night. Late night for me and I am usually not up that late.

When I woke up Saturday I got ready to leave for Blair and I noticed there was police tape outside my apartment building. The panic set in on wondering what happened. Turned out there was a shooting at 2 am in my apartment complex. There was a couple that was getting robbed by two people and so our on site security (who is a police officer) went to try and help the people. The two guys fled the scene by foot in opposite directions the security officer went after one of the suspects and he pulled a gun on the officer so the officer shot the guy. He got away however and was taken to the hospital by his girlfriend. He was later arrested. I am extremely freaked about this all because that could have been me if I was just a half hour later. I now own pepper spray since I will be home by myself quite a bit the next month.


LaDawn said... safe!

I woke up last night to the sound of the police helicopter circling round not far from out home. I couldn't get back to sleep for some time. I kept imagining noises and jumping out of bed to look out the window!

Janell said...

Prayers going up for your protection right now!
I'm glad to be living where I do.